Heavy Duty Adhesive Spray, 500ML


Buy Adhesive Spray For Carpets, Flooring, Tiles, And Also For Arts And Crafts

Looking for an adhesive that can handle anything you throw at it? Look no further than spray adhesive for peel and stick tiles! This general-purpose Heavy-duty adhesive spray is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and can be used on a variety of surfaces, including carpets, flooring, tiles, and fabrics. It's perfect for household repairs or crafts projects and yields professional results every time. 

Best of all, each 500ml can cover an area of approximately 60 square feet, making it a great value for your money. Ideal for fixing floorings, upholstery, fabric, foam, polythene, foils, loose lay materials, cardboard, and many other materials. It is easy to use, dries quickly, and delivers experienced results for almost any project you can think up.

So whether you're looking to fix a loose tile or spice up your home decor, Heavy Duty Adhesive Spray has you covered.

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